Crown Up book by Levia Hartman. My Story, My Way.

Crown Up Book

My Story, My Way.

New Crown Up book from motivational author, Levia Hartman.

Encouragement for Life's Challenges

Crown Up Book by Levia Hartman

In the Crown Up book, author, Levia Hartman, shares how she was able to overcome some of life’s greatest challenges. In this memoire-style book, Levia shares how she overcame some of life’s greatest challenges, including emotional trauma and poverty, and you can too! As you read, discover that you aren’t alone and find encouragement to persevere and set your dreams back on track.

The Crown Up book is now available on Amazon in Kindle or Paperback versions!

Crown Up Book Description

My Story, My Way.

Amid a civil war, a mother and daughter become refugees in Liberia, Africa. At a young age, Levia fled from her country with her mom. They cam to America in hopes she would get an education and a better life. Although moving to a new foreign country would be a scary change for any child, Levia understood the political issues and poverty they’d left behind to achieve a successful and happier life. The “American Dream” that Levia thought she would have rapidly progressed into a full nightmare.

Alice gradually became mentally unstable, and Levia was placed in foster care, losing her only connection to her culture and herself. Through life-changing events, she must weather the strongest storms and navigate on faith, all in hopes to see a rainbow at the end of it all.

How You'll Grow

Crown Up book custom icon that you are not alone.

1. Know You're Not Alone

We all encounter challenges and painful circumstances in this life. Find comfort in knowing that you aren’t the only one.

Crown Up book by Levia Hartman custom icon for freedom to be real.

2. Find Freedom to be Real

Levia sets an example by getting authentic and honest. Being real helps to understand whats really going on.

Crown Up book by Levia Hartman custom icon for rediscovering your true identity.

3. Rediscover Your True Identity

This book shares deep inner dialogue that will challenge you to ask tough questions about yourself and find freedom.

Identify and forgive trauma.

4. Identify & Forgive Trauma

Many women experience traumatic events that they can carry for a lifetime. See how you can forgive and overcome.

Own your decisions.

5. Own Your Decisions

Sometimes our biggest problems are the result of decisions we made. See how to own them and move forward.

Overcome circumstances.

6. Overcome Circumstances

You’re not a product of your circumstances but of the decisions you make. No longer be a victim, break the barriers!

Crown Up book author Levia Hartman. Find encouragement for life's challenges.

About The Author


Levia Hartman is a motivational author who encourages women to overcome challenging circumstances. She and her husband are continuing their adventure together in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Fostering Hope Foundation

Message From The Author

“I’d like to share my appreciation the Fostering Hope Foundation, a nonprofit based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This amazing organization, which strives to provide family-like support to youth who were formerly in foster care, supported me emotionally and financially and helped me to thrive in life. They supported me when I graduated high school and when I got married. They broke barriers and helped me realize I’m not just another number in the system, but that I am a person who deserves love.”

Levia Hartman


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